Custom Hypnosis Audio
Custom Hypnosis Audio
~20-minute Personalized Hypnosis audio (mp3)
Service Description
Hypnosis is a relaxed state akin to meditation where your subconscious mind is closely listening to your instructions (and eager to follow them!). When listening to positive affirmations and guided imagery in this state, you are teaching your subconscious what to focus on and create more of in your waking life. Your Custom Hypnosis Audio will include a simple and relaxing induction into a calm hypnotic state followed by a guided visualization and powerful affirmations created just for you and your goals. With daily listening, your hypnosis audio can help you retrain your mind to make the achievement of your specific goals become natural and automatic. Here's how to get your Custom Hypnosis Audio: 1. Select the date you would like to receive your audio (this will be the latest possible date you will receive it) 2. Fill out the info form and make your payment 3. I'll create your hypnosis audio based on the info provided in your form (and my expertise) and email you the mp3 link to DOWNLOAD to your device(s) 4. Listen daily to rewire your mind to reach your goals!
Upcoming Sessions
Policy Info
Please read through the statements below to confirm your agreement. - Recordings will not be made for any request deemed harmful or unsafe. - It is my responsibility to consult a medical professional before ordering a Custom Hypnosis Audio if I suffer from epilepsy, psychosis, or any condition which may be impacted by such a recording. - This hypnosis recording does not replace medical/professional advice or treatment. - Though hypnosis can be a powerful tool for creating change, results cannot be guaranteed. - Michelle is committed to quality and care, and will create a Custom Hypnosis Audio (about 20 minutes long) based on her expertise and the information provided in the submission form - A link to the Custom Hypnosis Audio (mp3) will be emailed to the provided email address by the end-of-day of date selected (often sooner!). - I will be sure to check my Spam and Promotions folder in case it is delivered there. -Michelle does not keep copies/links to recordings after one month of creation, so it is my responsibility to DOWNLOAD my Custom Hypnosis Recording recording upon receiving it to have permanent access to the audio file. -All orders are final and non-refundable.